Blue Water Bridge
Tunnel Explosion Memorial |
Lighthouse Beach Park |
International Flag Plaza |
Thomas Edison Depot Museum |
Fort Gratiot County Beach Park |
This is one of our 1000 Trails membership parks where we pay an annual fee and then we can stay for free up to 14 days. To Bad, Michigan has only 2 of these parks -- This one and one in Buchannon, -- in the southwestern corner of Michigan. We were lucky to have the 90 degree days because that made the pool even more beautiful. The lodge was nice with an excercise room, large TV, ping-pong table, table games and a laundry facility. We were able to visit with friends and some family while we were there and had dinner at a very nice restaurant right on the St. Clair River called the Voyageur, in St. Clair, Mi. where we watched the huge freighters pass by. We visited Port Huron, the St. Clair River walkway near the Blue Water Bridge that goes into Canada, and just a north of there Lighthouse Park Beach where they don't mind that dogs swim in Lake Huron. We also adventured a little further north of there and discovered another fairly new beach on Lake Huron called Fort Gratiot County Park. Some what interesting park because of an memorial and historical marker there for the 22 men that die in an intake water tunnel explosion back in 1971 that happen near this park. The facilities were very nice and the beach always have little stones that wash a shore. Try to drive though Marysville, Mi. but it was torn up for road constriction. We will probably will return to this 1000 Trails Park sometime this summer!!