2012 Work Crew |
That is the true motto of building Habitat Homes in the United States. We start each day with a prayer and end it with the motto!! This home was built for a former Alma, Michigan resident who has three daughters and she was right along with us working on her house.
The Finish Product |
It was a four bedroom ranch and we worked alongside 7 other couples and 2 single persons, plus a local volunteer. We drywalled (they call it sheet rock), mudded, sanded and sanded, painted, stained cabinets, touched up the outside with paint, and painted and installed all the trim work, installed all the doors / locks (both inside and outside) installed all the electrical outlets and fixtures and had a really good time. Mike was named the Master Poofer -- because of his perfect blend of sheet rock plaster.
The Town of Alice was the most hospitable we have ever experienced; They fed us all the time; in fact, they call it the 10 or 15 pound build because we are fed so well. We also had fun with a 6 Band Concert and a Circus held at the Jim Wells County Fairgrounds where we stayed. Javelina's hung out there as well so we had to keep a close eye on Buddy.
The Jones Family |
World's Tallest Cement Water Tower |
We also did some exploring as we discovered the World's Tallest
Cement water tower in the Town of Alice. We visited different churches where sometimes our luncheons were held. A few of the Habitat Board Members even invited all of us into their homes with their hospitality and more food. On one of our days off we also went back to Kings Ranch again, this time on their Birding Tour. Nothing to write home about there. Anyway, not only did we do a good thing for a family, but it was a very rewarding experience for us and it was amazing to watch the stages of the build for the house turn into a very nice home!!! The floor tiling was to be completed by an outside contractor and the plan is to have the Jones family in their house by Mother's Day.
We Wish Them All The Very Best!!!