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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monement, AZ (March 13 - 15th), 2011

The Twin Peaks Campground in this Organ Pipe Cactus National Park in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona shocked us.  Even though we had no hook-ups, there were nice showers in nice bathrooms.  The sites were large and they had cement pads with tables and grills.  We were very surprised.  The amphitheater was very nice as well and for the two nights we stayed there; the Rangers gave talks in the early evening:  one of the twilight "Creatures of the Night", the other was about the "Vultures".  The hosts were exceptionally nice and informative.  There were two scenic drives for a total of 31 miles, the Ajo Mountain Dr. and the North Puerto Blanco Dr..  That was our first encounter on dirt roads in a very long time.  We enjoyed the Ajo Mts. drive because it went through the Ajo Mountains and you could see all the different kinds of cactus plants as well of a great view of the Arch Canyon.  We were amazed to learn that a cactus's lifetime could be over 100 - 200 years.  The Kris EggleVisitor Center was interesting and there was a basket weaving demonstration by a native Indian family. 
We were only 5 miles from the Mexican border near the town of Lukeville, MX.  Of course we could not pass up an stop at the tax-free shop and restock, walk into Mexico between the gates and back though
 the U.S. Customs. Since we did not feel like driving into Mexico.  The U.S.Border Patrol was quite heavy and well armed all around this area.
 This is a park we would definitely be back to!  The weather was great for Winter; the scenery was plenty and the people were very enjoyable.  Hiking trails, and biking were also available.

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